Granola Bread


2 cups all purpose flour (sifted)
2 cups whole wheat flour (sifted)
2 cups very warm water (between 120-130 degrees )
2 TB. of Honey
1 package of fast acting yeast
2 tsp. salt
1/2 c. granola
1 egg
1 tsp. water
2 TB. brown sugar

In a large mixing bowl add the all purpose flour, warm water, honey, and yeast. Whisk together and allow it to rest for 10 minutes.  When mixture begins to bubble add in the remaining wheat flour, and salt to make a firm dough. Lightly spray a large mixing bowl with spray and place the dough into it to rise for 1 hour at room temperature.

After an hour, punch down and let rise for an additional hour.

After the the second hour of letting the dough rise, add in granola and place on a well floured surface to knead. Knead by using a pushing and folding over motion.  Continue to knead the dough, until it has a smooth and soft in texture . Add additional flour if necessary.

Preheat over to 425 degrees. Shape bread in one large loaf or two smaller loaves. Place on greased baking sheet. Let dough again rise for 30 min. or until doubled in size.  In a small bowl whisk together the egg and water.  Brush on top of the bread for a shiny coat.  Bake bread for 30 min. and then sprinkle brown sugar on top of the loaf and bake an additional 15 more minutes.  Bread is done when toasty brown and sounds hollow when tapped.

Baking times are for one large loaf.
